

The Daemon and the Penguin, FreeNAS labels, pfSense, PC-BSD updates

Freebsd newsWelcome to the latest (Free)BSD news round-up in which we have a mix of news snippets and links. Just a round-up of those miscellaneous (Free)BSD related links that are news worthy and which you may find hopefully interesting, but are yet too small to package as individual posts.
Some of the links below have already appeared in our Google Plus +FreeBSD Centraland Twitter feeds.
PC-BSD 10.0-RC5 Now AvailableThis will likely be our LAST RC before issuing the 10.0-FINAL release in a week or so.
PC-BSD Blog – 23 Jan 2014
New pfSense website
The pfSense project has a new website
pfSense 2.1.1-PRERELEASE Snapshots availableFor those who are inclined to try such things, 2.1.1-PRERELEASE snapshots are up for testing at snapshots.pfsense.org. New features and changes.
Amazon supporting FreeBSD FoundationWhen you shop at Amazon through this link, https://smile.amazon.com/ch/84-1545163, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to theFreeBSD Foundation.
FOSDEM 2014 BSD program
The program for the BSD devroom at #FOSDEM 2014 in Brussels is now available.
FreeBSD Programming Primer
BSD Mag has an issue with 12 tutorials on how to develop a Content Management System (CMS) which will run under an AMP stack on FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Linux. In this series Rob Somerville looks at the tools, processes and methods involved in writing a CMS.
BSD Mag – 14 Jan 2014
PC-BSD Weekly Feature Digest
For those of you waiting for PC-BSD 10 to become a reality, the wait is almost over.
PC-BSD Blog – 24 Jan 2014
The Daemon, the GNU & the Penguin
Peter Salus’s book, the Daemon, the Gnu, and the Penguin, was a regular Groklaw feature in 2005 and 2006. It is now in book form (paperback) and available from Barnes and Noble and Amazon. It’s been expanded, and the subtitle now is “How Free and Open Software is Changing the World”.
iXsystems’ new FreeNAS device needs your label vote
Here’s your chance to influence the design of an upcoming FreeNAS product fromiXsystems! Help us pick which label you’d like to see by leaving a comment on this post.
Vote via +iXsystemsFacebook or the FreeNAS forums

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