

Cравнение производительности web-фреймворков

Тестируются Aiohttp, Bottle, Django, Falcon, Flask, Muffin, Pyramid и Tornado
  • Aiohttp 0.16.3 — http client/server for Asyncio.
  • Bottle 0.12.8 — Fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework
  • Django 1.8.2 — The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines
  • Falcon 0.3.0 — A high-performance Python framework for building cloud APIs
  • Flask 0.10.1 — A microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions
  • Muffin 0.0.88 — A web-framework based on Asyncio stack
  • Pyramid 1.5.7 — A small, fast, down-to-earth, open source Python web framework
  • Tornado 4.2 — A Python web framework and asynchronous networking library
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